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Business Woman

I guess Maylee has seen this scene enough to know how it is done.  She often walks around the house talking on my, I mean her phone.  She also lets me know when she thinks it is her turn to sit at the desk and get some work done.

Maylee giving the business.


Can I help you?


I think she is taking an order in this picture.  We train them young.


We caught her kicking back on the job.


What a cutie!


Our employees better watch out.  Their jobs may be in jeopardy.


More Ultrasound Videos

Here are two more ultrasound videos Richard took.  Looks like we are having a healthy baby.

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Our First Video Blog

After almost a week of trying, I have finally figured out how to upload home videos to our blog articles.  We have so many videos that I will probably start adding a lot more.  Here is one of our ultrasound videos that Richard took last Wednesday.  If you haven't heard yet, we are having a boy.  Enjoy!

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Gingerbread Houses - December 2007

A few years ago, Lisa started an annual tradition that involves making gingerbread houses with our nieces and nephews.  She spends hours baking the various parts of the houses prior to the big day.  Then, usually on the first or second Saturday in December, all of Maylee's Utah cousins come over with candy and other decorating items to spend a few hours making gingerbread  houses and having fun.  Here are some pictures from December's "Gingerbread Extravaganza".

Lisa set up shop in the kitchen to help with icing and other support functions.
Lisa Kitchen Help
Jennie loaded the candy dishes to get the party started.  The houses started out pretty plain-looking, but they would soon be covered with icing, Pop Rocks, chocolates, marshmallows, Dots, licorice, and in a case or two, slobber.
Jennie loading the candy supplies

Autumn, Andrew, and Maylee were the first to get started building their works of art.  Autumn and Andrew decorated houses.  Maylee did a train.
Working on the gingerbread houses

Luke and Savannah weren't far behind.  Luke made a train, and Savannah made a house.
Luke, Savannah, Jennie

Luke got some help from his mom, an expert in the science of gingerbread train decorating.
Jennie helping Luke

Zachary and Ashlee showed up on the second gingerbread maker shift with their mom for some backup help.
Zachary, Ashlee, and Jamie

Maylee got some help from Aunt Carolyn.
Carolyn and Maylee

Ashlee built her rooftop out of mints while Jamie snuck some for the road.
Jamie and Ashlee

Luckily some of Zach's stash made it onto his train.  It was visibly hard to keep from eating the decorations.
Zach eating candy

Autumn's first idea was to put Santa Claus on the chimney of her house to make sure she foreshadowed what would happen for her on Christmas Eve.
Autumn building her house

In honor of Hannah Montana, Savannah used some Pop Rocks to decorate her house.
Savannah Pop Rocks

Jamie was obviously taking this thing seriously.  The concentration here is intense.
Jamie and Ashlee decorating

The Finished Products...

Ashlee's Gingerbread House
Ashlee's Gingerbread House

Andrew's Gingerbread House
Andrew's Completed House

Savannah's Gingerbread House
Savannah's Gingerbread House

Autumn's Gingerbread House
Autumn's Gingerbread House

Zachary's Gingerbread Train
Zachary's Completed Train

Maylee's (and Carolyn's) Gingerbread Train
Maylee's Finished Train